Directions to Iroquois Springs

GPS:  Iroquois Springs is located at 66 Bowers Road, Rock Hill, NY 12775

For you convenience we have provided driving directions to Iroquois Springs as well as a map. For point-to-point driving directions, please visit Google Maps. If you prefer, you can also download and print our driving directions.

From Manhattan, Westchester, Long Island

  1. New York State Thruway North (87N)
  2. Exit 16 (Harriman) to
  3. Route 17 West (Future 86)
  4. Exit 110 (Wanaksink Lake Exit)
  5. Make a left at the stop sign off the exit
  6. Make a right at the fork in the road
  7. This becomes BOWERS Road and leads directly to camp

From New Jersey, Philadelphia and Mid Atlantic States

  1. Take I-95 North to
  2. Garden State Parkway to
  3. New York State Thruway North (87N)
  4. Follow # 2 above

From Boston, Albany and Points North

  1. Take the Mass Turnpike West to
  2. New York State Thruway South (87S)
  3. Follow # 2 above

From Western New York

  1. Route 17 East to
  2. Exit 109 (Rock Hill Exit)
  3. Make a left at the end of the exit ramp
  4. Make a right at the stop sign (onto Rock Hill Road)
  5. Go approximately 1 mile
  6. Make a left at the fork at stop sign onto Bowers Road. We are located at 66 Bowers Road.