Staff in the Spotlight

Getting to Know Chase Royer

 Chase Royer

Where are you from:  Pierce County, Georgia

Years at I.S.: 1

Why did you decide to work at camp this summer?

To get an opportunity to work with kids, and get the real summer camp experience as well.

What are you looking to learn this summer from being a counselor?

This summer I want to learn more about the kids, their culture, background etc.

How are you looking to impact your children this summer?

I want to give them an opportunity to be themselves and for me to be a good role model for them as well.

How are you feeling about the summer?  

Definitely excited, and nervous being a first-time counselor, but ready to meet everbody.

Tell us an interesting fact/story about yourself?

I enjoy going to music festivals. I’ve been to the hangout and Bonnaroo. I try to go to one every summer.