Staff in the Spotlight

Getting to Know Amaya Matthews

Amaya Matthews

Where are you fromChesapeake, VA

Years at I.S.: 1

Why did you decide that camp was the best place to spend your summer?
I felt it would be a great way to get back in touch with my childhood. Growing up I spent every summer at camp whether it was an overnight camp or a day camp. I also decided it was a great way to be around children which I enjoy. Also, I think we can learn from them just like they can learn from us. 

How are you looking to grow/develop this summer?
I am hoping that being a part of the staff will allow me to engage with children of different ages. As a future teacher this experience will only help me become a stronger educator.

Describe yourself in 3 words?
Fun, well-rounded and active

How are you feeling about the summer?
I am super excited about the summer. Summer is a time to wind down and relax (before coming to camp)! So much to look forward too!

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I have 2 dogs named Smokey and Bumpy and I also have a pet turtle called Billy.