Name: Brianna (Brie) McCormack
Where are you from: Newfoundland, Canada
Years at I.S.: 1
Why did you decide to work at camp this summer?
I decided to work at camp this summer after seeing it posted on my university’s job board. It seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend my summer away from home with all new people, learning new skills and getting to teach some of my own skills to my campers. Learning more about the camp and its values throughout the interview process, I knew Iroquois Springs was the perfect place to spend my summer working.
What are you looking to learn this summer from being a counselor?
I’m looking to learn how to stay in touch with the childlike part of myself, that worries less and enjoys life more. As we grow older, we forget the freedom we felt as children and I think kids can teach us not to stress over the little things if we are willing to learn from them.
How are you looking to impact your children this summer?
I hope to create an environment where my girls can always feel comfortable being who they are and can feel confident in themselves and their interests/hobbies. My goal is for my children to be able to gain confidence from their camp experience that they can bring into their lives outside of camp.
How are you feeling about the summer?
I am feeling excited more than anything else for this summer! It is easy to feel nervous about being surrounded by new people in a new place, and while I definitely do feel this, I think these nerves are also exciting because you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I am excited to make new memories and to make meaningful connections with my campers and my fellow counselors!
Tell us an interesting fact/story about yourself?
I have been training in various styles of dance over the past 13 years — I have travelled to New York City and Las Vegas for training specifically, and to Orlando for a parade and showcase performance at Walt Disney World.