Staff in the Spotlight

Getting to Know Sydney Ledington

 Sydney Ledington

Where are you fromCorbin, Kentucky

Years at I.S.: 2

What is your favorite memory from last summer?
My favorite memory from last summer was winning the lemon drop pick up game during pre-camp with Jonny, the hockey specialist.

What did you learn from your experience last summer?
I learned how to be patient and more adaptable in hard or uncomfortable situations. But most importantly, I learned how to be a better role- model for girls of many different ages.

What are you looking forward to most about the upcoming summer?
I’m looking forward to seeing all of the returning staff that I became so close with and seeing all of the returning campers as well. I also can’t wait to meet all of the newcomers and welcome them into our camp family!

What advice do you have for staff who are going to be at Iroquois Springs for the first time this summer?
My advice to newcomers would be to make sure you’re willing and ready to be selfless, but to also know that taking time for yourself is okay too. Working at camp has been the most exhausting, but most rewarding job I’ve ever had, so I think there needs to be a good balance between the two so that everyone, including yourself, can enjoy the camp experience.   

As a returner, how are you looking to grow this summer as a counselor?
As a returner, I am looking to gain more confidence as a leader and get more comfortable being independent.