Event | Date |
Make appointments for medical and dental check-ups | February |
Make roadshow appointments with clothing outfitter | February |
Register with Community Care RX (if applicable) | February 1st |
Purchase camp clothing and make reservations for visiting day | March |
All Camper Forms Due | April 15th |
Office Opens in Rock Hill | May 15th |
New Family Orientation | May 18th |
Community Care RX registration deadline for Session 1 Campers | May 30th |
Community Care RX registration deadline for Session 2 Campers | June 20th |
Regional Baggage Pick-Up | June 23rd |
Session 1 Begins | June 28th |
Visiting Day | July 12th |
Session 1 Ends | July 18th |
Session 2 Begins | July 19th |
Order of the Blue & Gold | July 26th |
Camp Ends | August 8th |
Introduction | Important Dates | A Guide for Parents and Campers | Camper Forms | Health and Medical
Clothing and Packing | Baggage and Transportation | Visiting Camp
Staying Connected to Camp and Your Camper | Camp Policies | Extras