Our medical and nursing staff is trained to focus on the health of all our campers. Our staff responds to any identified medical or emotional issues, provides excellent care, and communicates promptly with parents and guardians as necessary.
Upon their return home, we suggest you check in with your child and, if there are any changes in, or concerns about, their health, you contact your personal medical professionals and also communicate with us. We look forward to continuing the caring partnership we value as caretakers of your children.
Here are some additional guidelines to further help us:
Please complete your Medical Forms by April 15th. No camper will be allowed to arrive at camp unless we have received his or her medical forms. Please make your appointments now so that you can complete the forms by April 15th. New York State requires a full listing of up-to-date physician-documented immunizations (including current tetanus).
Camper Health History Form (Part 1-4) These forms will be completed by you online through the Parent Dashboard.
Camper Health-Care Form: This needs to be downloaded from the Parent Dashboard. , printed and completed by your family physician. If your physician has their own printout from their office, this will be acceptable provided the camper had their physical within the last year.
Additional forms that need to be downloaded, printed and signed by your doctor (ONLY if they apply to your child):
Medical History: Each camper’s medical history is reviewed carefully by our Medical Staff prior to the start of camp. Please keep in mind that the more we know about your child’s health history, the better care we can take of him or her. Please advise us of any injury, illness or communicable disease your child has experienced within three weeks of arrival at camp.
Any and all information pertaining to your child’s psychological or social development (including any counseling) is invaluable as we work to maximize your child’s experience at camp. Our medical forms requires it and we ask you to be as detailed as possible. Be assured this information is treated in a confidential manner.
In order to aid us in the proper care of your child’s health needs, please advise us of any special conditions of health, diet or personal habits that affect your youngster. This information should be in writing; it may be attached to the medical form or sent to the Director to assure confidentiality.
Primary health and accident insurance will be covered by the parents’ medical insurance. Parents are responsible for providing proof of medical insurance for their children. You will be required to mail in a copy of your insurance card.
Over the past few years, the age recommendations for immunizing children against meningococcal disease have changed. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Advisory Council on Immunization Practices recommends vaccinating ALL children at 11 years of age, and children who have various risk factors may be vaccinated at earlier ages. Our camp health center staff also recommend that all campers be vaccinated according to the AAP’s recommendations, and that parents should speak to their child’s primary care provider to decide upon the timing and type of vaccine most appropriate for their family members. We encourage you to make an informed decision but to strongly consider vaccinating your child(ren) against this serious bacterial infection. (Note: Parents may want to speak with their child’s health care provider about several other newer immunizations for teenagers, including HPV (Human Papilloma Vaccine) for girls, and for all teenagers, a new type of DPT booster that permits protection against pertussis (whooping cough).)
Iroquois Springs is required to provide you with information about the disease and the vaccine, and maintain a record of the following for each camper:
Bacterial meningitis is rare. However, its flu-like symptoms can make diagnosis difficult and can lead to a delay in treatment. If not treated early, meningitis can lead to severe inflammation around the brain and spinal column as well as severe and permanent disabilities, including hearing loss, brain damage, seizures, limb amputation, shock and even death.
Cases of meningococcal meningitis among teens and young adults 15 to 24 years of age have more than doubled since 1991. The disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year and claims about 300 lives.
Two different vaccines are available that protects against four types of the bacteria that cause meningococcal meningitis in the United States – types A, C, Y and W-135. These types account for nearly two thirds of bacterial meningitis cases among teens and young adults.
We wish to make you aware that in the past few years, recommendations were issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College on Immunization practices concerning meningococcal vaccines. With the release of the longer lasting and more effective vaccine (menactra™) the recommendations are to vaccinate children as early as 11 years of age, and certainly before college. Until this past year, most adolescents who received the meningococcal vaccine did so in high school or just prior to starting college when they would be living in dormitory settings. There are risks and benefits to both of the available vaccines, speak with your child’s primary care provider in order to decide which vaccine is best for you. We encourage you to make an informed decision, but to seriously consider vaccinating your child against this serious bacterial infection.
Information about the availability and cost of the vaccines can be obtained from your health care provider and by visiting these websites www.menactra.com and www.NMAUS.org. You can also find information about the disease at the New York State Department of Health website: www.health.state.NY.US, and the website of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): www.cdc.gov.
Iroquois Springs does NOT offer vaccination for meningococcal disease in our health center.
We encourage you to carefully review the enclosed materials and to discuss this information with your child’s health care provider and complete the immunization section of the health history form accordingly.
Once you have discussed this with your primary health care provider, please complete the meningitis vaccination form on the parent dashboard.
In order to streamline our process for safely and securely receiving, logging and administering medication we are doing the following:
Please call or email Pack My Rx directly for any assistance.
Call: 718-669-4593 Email: anam@commcarerx.com
Registration Fee
Late Fee
Medication Cost
Please note that in the event that we cannot obtain a particular brand of supplement and parent sends them to us, we will charge a $10 repackaging fee per supplement.
On the first day of camp, each camper will be given a head check by our health center staff and we will be doing additional checks at camp during the summer. If your child has lice and/or nits upon arrival at camp, you would need to pick your child up and bring him or her home for treatment.
We partnered with Lice Clinics of America. LCA can Pre-Screen your camper before camp and can Screen your camper post-camp. Mention the camp discount code: “Camp Iroquois Springs” to recieve 10% on all services and preventable products.
Locations: Ronkonkoma, Garden City and White Plains, New York.
Introduction | Important Dates | A Guide for Parents and Campers | Camper Forms | Health and Medical
Clothing and Packing | Baggage and Transportation | Visiting Camp
Staying Connected to Camp and Your Camper | Camp Policies | Extras