Camp Reunions and Reconnecting with Friends

It’s been about four months since we packed up, said goodbye to our camp family and headed back to our families at home. We geared up for another year filled with school assignments, extra curricular activities, travel teams, weekend events, and so much more, all adding to the challenge of staying in touch with our camp friends throughout the year.

Luckily, we live in a world with so many modern day conveniences and social networking tools, that staying in touch with friends from all over the world is just a click away. Communication has never been easier.
In a different time, when many of our camp parents were campers themselves, we wrote letters to our camp friends. Letters that were written on stationary and arrived in the mailbox. We spoke on the telephone. The phones had a cord and we had to stay in one spot to have a conversation. And when we wanted to get together with camp friends, we made plans to visit or we excitedly anticipated the day of the CAMP REUNION. A day to see camp friends face to face and spend some quality time together. The options today to stay in touch are wonderful, but don’t underestimate the tradition of the camp reunion. A day to see our camp friends and be in the moment.
Camp reunions are a very special time to get together with the friends we miss so much during the school year. A time to reconnect and talk about the great memories we share. Camp friends have a very special bond, and reuniting with friends keeps the summer connection alive and strong.
On Sunday, December 4th, Ca

mp Iroquois Springs held our 11th Annual Camp Reunion. A great time was had playing at Fun Fuzion, but the best part was being face to face with our camp family and the folks that make our summer home the most amazing place to be. Campers received their video yearbooks and camp pictures, and can look on with fond memories of summer 2011.

Friendship is undoubtedly central to our lives. Friends shape who we are as people. It is often noted that good friendships enhance an individual’s sense of happiness and overall well being. True friends allow us to be ourselves, to express our feelings without being judged, and provide support and encouragement.
Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.
“Ludwig Van Beethoven”
The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.
“Abraham Lincoln”
Cherish your friends and the camp friendships you have made.