Monthly Archives:February 2017


February 15, 2017

Summer camp is filled with so many wonderful experiences.  It’s a place to make lifelong friends, take on new challenges, build self-confidence, gain independence, and have a whole lot of fun.  Fun and experiences that all take place while...

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Taking Chances

February 8, 2017

When was the last time you took a chance?  When you went for something you really wanted, even though you felt vulnerable and scared, and weren’t sure you could succeed?  For many of us, taking chances is difficult.  It brings up feelings of...

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Practicing Mindfulness

February 1, 2017

The New Year is a time of renewed energy and excitement for taking on personal challenges and accomplishing new goals. Some of us have written down detailed lists of resolutions, while others let the year unfold and take on new ventures as they...

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