Monthly Archives:October 2013

Friends, Friends, Friends….we will always be……..

October 28, 2013

I asked a group of fourth and fifth grade students how they would describe a FRIEND!   The list of qualities they came up with was pretty impressive.  They thought a friend should be “thoughtful, considerate, trustworthy, honest, supportive,...

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Camp and Creativity

October 21, 2013

Creativity is the most unrestricted form of self-expression.  The ability to create something from personal feelings and experiences can reflect and nurture children’s emotional health.   Creative experiences can help children express...

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The Value of Inner Beauty

October 9, 2013

I read the following statistic in a Dove magazine advertisement, “6 in 10 girls stop doing what they love because of anxiety about their looks”.  How sad is that?  To think that girls give up the activities they enjoy, that have nothing to do with...

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Protecting our Children

October 4, 2013

I was watching my son’s baseball game this past weekend, and overheard the banter that was taking place in the dugout.  While most kids were talking about the game, or getting ready for their turn at bat, there was one boy who was teasing another...

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