Monthly Archives:December 2013

Happy New Year 2014

December 20, 2013

The New Year is quickly approaching, and for many of us it brings the excitement of a fresh start.  A time to think about what we want in 2014, and the goals that will get us there. If you have yet to come up with a New Year’s resolution, here is a great...

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Healthy Eating

December 12, 2013

It has been shown that families who eat together are healthier and happier.  Meals together are a time to relax, recharge, share, laugh and connect with one another.  But for many families, planning meal time can be quite stressful.  Families...

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Traditions and Rituals

December 4, 2013

The holidays are upon us, and so is the time to follow family customs and traditions as we celebrate and enjoy this time of year.  It may be making latkes for Chanukah, decorating the tree for Christmas, going ice skating in Central Park, or watching...

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