Monthly Archives:September 2014

Camp Is A Wonderful Place

September 24, 2014

The end of summer marks the return to school and the routine of the academic year. It also marks the end of the most frequently asked question to any young person who attended overnight camp…“HOW WAS CAMP?”. It’s a genuine welcome back...

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How Do You Define What It Means To Be A “Good” Kid?

September 9, 2014

In a recent conversation with my son, he was joking around and saying that he was a good-looking kid, and listing what he believed to be his finest qualities. It was kind of a goofy conversation, but then it took on a more serious tone when he asked if I...

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A Lesson In Responsibility

September 3, 2014

At a recent family gathering, my 11-yr old son was playing basketball with his older cousin.  Never one to shy away from competition, he ignored the fact that he is significantly shorter than his cousin, and played with the same intensity that he...

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