Camp Memories!
I have to share a wonderful story….a story of the power of camp and the memories that truly last a lifetime. This past Memorial Day weekend, I got together with two friends that I have known most of my life. We all grew up in the same town, but the initial meetings were all camp related. I met my friend Jodi at day camp in the summer of 1974, and Jodi met our friend Stefanie at sleep away camp the following summer. Their camp ties were always a part of our growing up, and they always spoke of camp in a positive light. They spoke of camp so often that I had a familiarity with their camp friends and the adventures that took place.

I asked my two dear friends what their camp experience meant to them. They talked about feeling homesick but never wanting to leave, how much they matured at camp, their first camp boyfriend, the fun of color war, how squishy the bottom of the lake felt, and most importantly how they wouldn’t change any of it for the world. And then the conversation turned to our own children and the hope they too will have the same positive camp experience and one day sit around with friends reminiscing about their camp days. It may not be the 70’s anymore, but the heart of camp will always be the same. Camp will always be a place to develop independence and confidence, and to take on personal challenges. It will always be a place to form lasting friendships, to laugh, to enjoy nature, and to “just be”. It was a great day spent with friends, and though I didn’t attend camp with them, I loved hearing how happy their camp memories made them feel and how they cherished their times at camp. Lucky women!!!!