Everyone benefits from belonging to a community. Communities help us feel connected, safe and important. As human beings, we have a natural desire to belong and be an integral part of something greater than ourselves. Communities of school, work, camp, neighborhood, sports, or just about any group that brings us together, can make a significant difference to a person’s overall happiness and security.
The strength of the connections among the people at Iroquois Springs is the true definition of community. We develop connections that give us not only a sense of belonging, but help us develop empathy, problem solving skills, strong leadership, and a greater sense of self.
The IS camp community is one that inspires and motivates us. There is always someone doing something amazing at camp, something that inspires us to get involved in helping others, and motivates us to step outside of our comfort zone and try new things. Campers and staff learn from one another by living side by side. No matter where we come from or what our varied interests are, everyone at camp finds their place in the community. We have one another to turn to for help and support, to share a laugh or cry, and to reach a common goal. In a time of selfies, social media and virtual worlds, it’s more important than ever to be a part of something bigger than ourselves in a supportive and interactive community.
From sunrise to sunset, community is the foundation at IS. We live, eat, sleep, play, learn, and have a whole lot of fun together. Whether we are raising the flag at morning line-up, celebrating campers who receive Fuzzies at evening line-up, working together in the Apache relay during color week, or cheering in the dining hall after dinner, the very nature of the camp environment allows everyone to feel a true sense of belonging. Every club and elective, from theatre, to rock band, to newspaper, gives campers endless opportunities to be a part of something. Project Morry and our annual swim-a-thon, unites us as we give back to others and make a difference. And the best part of the camp community is how easy it is to belong. All it takes is a smile, a kind word, and the willingness and spirit to join in on all the fun and excitement.
Fortunately, the strong sense of community and belonging that summers at IS create do not end as the buses leave Rock Hill. Our connection thrives all year long, and will soon be celebrated as we gather at FunFuzion for the 17th annual Iroquois Springs Camp Reunion on Sunday December 3rd, 2017. It’s the perfect occasion to spend time with camp friends and relive the memories of camp together. We can’t wait to see so many of our camp families (and will sadly miss those who can’t make it) to celebrate the connections, friendships, and community that is at the heart of IS. See you soon!