National Bullying Prevention Month
There are so many wonderful moments to experience and new abilities to develop at sleepaway camp. Campers have the opportunity to gain greater independence, leadership, and confidence. They can discover new interests, skills and friendships. And most importantly, they learn about empathy, kindness and tolerance. Iroquois Springs campers and staff know that kindness matters and is at the core of creating a cohesive camp community, where everyone feels respected and appreciated. Camp creates a culture of kindness that is being celebrated worldwide throughout the month of October…

During the month of October, schools, corporations, and communities across the US and around the world are empowering kids to create a culture of kindness by participating in National Bullying Prevention Month. Started in 2006, National Bullying Prevention Month aims to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. The goal is to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying and increase the awareness of the prevalence and impact bullying has on children of all ages. The awareness that is created during the month of October will help the year-round goal to put an end to bullying!
Bullying is serious concern, and can result in depression, social isolation, low self-esteem, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Bullying hurts and the memories of it can last a lifetime. Bullying has been defined asunwanted intentional aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power. Bullying today goes beyond being pushed around, socially excluded, or verbally insulted. Technology and social media have created a new venue for bullying that has expanded the damaging impact. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices, and can occur through a variety of online social media sites. Cyberbullying includes mean text messages or emails, rumors posted on social media sites, and embarrassing pictures and videos posted on Snapchat or Instagram. Social media now allows bullies to taunt their victims during all hours of the day, with a much larger audience than the school yard. That is why raising awareness with anti-bullying initiatives is so important. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where kids can thrive, without being afraid. There is great worth in helping kids develop the skills and strengths needed to recognize and stand up to bullying.
The Iroquois Springs camp community is also committed to creating an environment where kids can thrive. Our No-Bullying Policyis enforced to keep campers and staff safe in their summer home. At camp, bullying is unacceptable. Campers are responsible for treating one another with respect and for speaking up if they witness this type of behavior. During staff orientation, all staff members participate in interactive workshops to better understand what bullying looks like. They are taught to identify bullying behavior, intervene to stop it, and get help if needed. And while no camp can guarantee that bullying will never occur, we can teach the value of empathy and kindness to create an environment that reduces bullying behavior, and encourages inclusion and acceptance for all of our camp family. Even when the last bus pulls out of camp, we set high expectations for campers to practice good judgement on mobile devices and social media all year long. There is no place for bullying at camp or any other environment. Be part of the solution this October and all year long, and help put an end to bullying.

Strong people stand up for themselves. But the strongest people stand up for others. -Unknown