Unplugging in 2012!

January 3, 2012

Unplugging in 2012! Happy New Year! We hope that 2012 is off to a great start. If you have made any New Year’s resolutions, we hope they are going strong. For a lot of us, we focus on going to the gym more often, eating healthier, getting more sleep,...

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The Holidays and Giving Back

December 17, 2011

The Holidays and Giving Back I was listening to my three children the other day (ages 6 and under), as they watched television commercials advertising the hottest toys and gadgets for the holiday season. In a short time span, they announced the (way...

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Camp Reunions and Reconnecting with Friends

December 7, 2011

It’s been about four months since we packed up, said goodbye to our camp family and headed back to our families at home. We geared up for another year filled with school assignments, extra curricular activities, travel teams, weekend events,...

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