Preparing for Summer 2015
It’s hard to believe that in only four short months the buses will be pulling onto Bowers Road and bringing our camp family back home to begin another summer of friendship, fun and fabulous memories. It’s a moment we look forward to with all our hearts and one we prepare for all year long. We know that over the next few months, our camp families will also be preparing for summer 2015 at Iroquois Springs. While we are busy getting the facilities in tip top shape, hiring outstanding counselors and specialists, and working on our exceptional summer programming, parents and campers are getting geared up in their own way. Preparing for summer camp, whether you have a first time or returning camper, can be filled with feelings of both excitement and stress. There are many forms to be filled out, packing list items to purchase, and of course the mental preparation of sending your child away from home. Even when you know the positive impact of a camp experience, there may still be a range of emotions that go into these next few months. Will my child make friends, be homesick, have the proper clothes and camp supplies, or be willing to try new things? These worries are natural, as you want their camp experience to be a great success. But know that we are to here to help you through the process no matter what question or concern comes up. We are confident that with a little preparation and a positive outlook, your camper will look forward to camp with enthusiasm, and return home with greater confidence, independence, lifelong friendships and an appreciation for their parents that gave them the opportunity to experience a summer with us at Iroquois Springs. The following tips can be helpful in the months leading up to camp.
Give yourself plenty of time to visit the Parent Dashboard and complete the camper forms needed prior to your child arriving at camp. The forms may seem plentiful, but they are there to ensure a safe and happy summer for everyone. All of the forms have significance in creating a successful summer, from the questionnaire that lets us know all about your camper, to the policy agreement form that allows campers to know what to expect at camp. We appreciate the time and effort you put into completing these forms and always look forward to learning more about your child.
Review the Camp Packing List, which gives you the required as well as recommended clothing and supply items you may want to purchase for your camper. This list is available to make sure your child has exactly what they need in amounts that will easily fit in the space provided for them. Remember to have your camper participate in the packing process and choose items that they are excited to be bringing to camp.
Review the camp DVD and website and get reacquainted with what camp life is all about. The DVD and informative website videos give the perfect view into camp life and are a great way to get super excited about camp. From our camp philosophy to the amazing activities and events, it’s a great way to see camp in action and learn about the camp environment.
Talk about camp. As the start of camp gets closer, tune in to your child’s thoughts and feelings about going to camp. It may be as simple as listening to how excited they are for the summer to begin, or some fears they have. They may be concerned about swimming in a lake for the first time, or not being able to fall asleep when it’s lights out. Talking about their concerns and reassuring them that you understand is usually enough to help them feel less anxious. It may also help to check in with us to get some of their questions answered. Either way, your child will feel more at ease if he/she knows you are there to listen and discuss any camp related feelings.

Be positive. Let your child know how excited you are for them to be going to camp, and how much you look forward to hearing all about their adventures in their letters and during their scheduled phone calls home. Let them know how much you believe in them and how great they are going to do. Being positive will increase their confidence and make the transition to camp an easier one.
If this is your camper’s first summer at Iroquois Springs, attend the New Family Orientation on Sunday May 17th. It’s a great way to meet our key staff members, learn more about camp life, tour the camp facilities, and have your child meet other first time campers. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to get geared up for camp.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make the months leading up to camp as easy as possible. We are here for you, and cannot wait for summer 2015 to begin.