Welcome Back!

Welcome back to another school year and the start of a very special countdown… the countdown to Iroquois Springs 20th summer. We are on our way to twenty years of fun, adventure, challenges, spirit, friends, and memories. But before we get started on summer 2020, we need to take a moment to remember the amazing summer we just experienced. Summer 2019 was outstanding in so many ways. The love of camp was found around every corner. From Freshman to CIT’s, campers of all ages “got it!” They got the true meaning of camp. Together, campers and staff exemplified what an overnight summer camp experience is all about. We put down the phones, reconnected face-to-face, stepped outside of our comfort zone, became more confident and independent, developed lifelong friendships, showed our amazing camp spirit, and basically had the time of our lives. From start to finish, we created memories that will last a lifetime.
The abundance of special events and activities that helped create the amazing summer we just experienced… like Color Run, Halloween, Brad Henderson, College Days and Color Week, Dorney Park, Senior Trip to Boston, Camp Fires, Mary Poppins and Legally Blonde, Mock Rock, Carnival Day, and Inter-Camp Games… makes it difficult to list them all, but each and every day was filled with non-stop adventure and fun. Camp was also filled with an abundance of campers and staff members who made the summer special just by being a part of it. Without our camp family, Iroquois Springs would never be the place it has become. Thanks for being a part of a place filled with difference-makers! Difference -makers who change the lives of the people around them with everyday acts of kindness, leadership and perseverance.
The benefits of the summer camp experience do not end as the buses pull away from Bowers Road. The positive impact of camp goes on all year long. Camp teaches important life skills that are discovered in a natural environment, and practiced and applied in everyday life. A camp experience teaches us patience and empathy, increases our confidence and maturity, empowers us to try new things and set personal goals, and most importantly, teaches us the value of friendship and kindness.
Now that the new school year is back in full swing, what did you bring from the camp experience that will make the year a happy and successful one? Did you decide to try out for a team sport after gaining skills and having fun participating in intercamp games? Did you decide to spend a little less time on social media and make more plans with friends? Maybe you decided to volunteer your time helping others in need after swimming laps for The Morry’s Camp Swim-A-Thon? Maybe you are taking on more responsibilities at home after gaining some freedom and independence at camp? You may even be practicing better problem solving with your siblings when differences arise. Whatever camp has given you, use and practice those skills and attributes to make the school year one that brings you greater happiness, peace, and personal success. Wishing everyone a great start to the new school year. Learn, explore, question, try, imagine, grow, and do your best (just like you do at camp)!