Yearly Archives:2013

Protecting our Children

October 4, 2013

I was watching my son’s baseball game this past weekend, and overheard the banter that was taking place in the dugout.  While most kids were talking about the game, or getting ready for their turn at bat, there was one boy who was teasing another...

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Camp and Emotional Intelligence

September 27, 2013

Now that school is in full swing, so are the academic demands of class work, homework, quizzes, tests, reports, and presentations. Participating in class and hitting the books definitely gives students an edge when it comes to academic success, but...

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Happy School Year to Everyone.

September 18, 2013

School is back in session.  School supplies have been purchased, students and teachers have been introduced, and reuniting with school friends has joyfully taken place.  A new school year is an exciting time of a year.  It’s a time of new...

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The Good Times of Summer 2013

August 27, 2013

It’s hard to believe that summer 2013 has ended and we had to say “so long” to our incredible campers and amazing staff that made this camp season so memorable.  By now everyone is back to their home routines and hopefully enjoying the remainder...

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What Can You Expect From The End Of Summer

August 12, 2013

Written by:  Bob Ditter, L.C.S.W.  a child, adolescent, and family therapist in Boston, Massachusetts For many parents the send off (to camp) requires enough emotional and logistical effort that there is no time to think about where all this work...

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